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Queen Ngalifourou was received this day October 20th, 2014 in the Memorial Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza by Bélinda Ayessa, the director of the aforementioned site. Having expressed its enjoyment to welcome in this Mecca of history(story) queen Ngalifourou, Bélinda Ayessa was anxious to thank the téké Kingdom, with the aid of the Queen, for this highly symbolic visit and expressed its gratitude(recognition) as for supports multi-form and spontaneous that king and queen bring to the Memorial Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza...


The Queen whom accompanied prince Louis NSALOU, carries word of the royal court was anxious to reaffirm his will to work beside the Memorial to bring to light the history(story) of Makoko and Brazza. She then said her enjoyment to find himself in the Memorial where rests in peace their friend and brother Pierre Savorgnan of Brazza. Both personalities approached in depth questions relative to the development of the relations enter Kingdom Téké and the Memorial Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza: " the friendship between Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza and Iloo 1st Makoko was the deep and true. And to call back his secular friendship, it is important us to create a tourist axis between the Memorial and the Kingdom Téké today, what would be even more interesting, it is to incite the tourists to arrive until Ngabé. " Declared basically Bélinda AYESSA.

 Both ladies also evoked the recent stay to Mbé of the descendants of Savorgnan of Brazza, Corrado Pirzio Biroli and Speronella De Brazza. Queen Ngalifourou said the satisfaction of the Kingdom to have received the De Brazza family to Mbé. The Queen finally was anxious to inform about the erection finished by the grave in the shape of catafalque of the 1st king ILOO, this thanks to the personal implication of President Denis SASSOU N' GUESSO. To end, the Queen threw(launched) a message of peace, love and blessing to all the children of Congo.

 He is to call back  here that the teké people rest very attached to its habits and customs, that king Makoko and Queen Ngalifourou establish the secular link between the visible and invisible world, the vital and divine force which makes live the kingdom. Queen Ngalifourou plays an important role within the kingdom and the participle for many the big deliberations of the kingdom.



Adresse : 

Av Amilcar Cabral (place hotel de ville brazzaville)

B.P: 1761


Téléphone :

(+242) 06-658 7615 / 06-912 4977 / 06-657 8379


Horaires :

Ouvert tout les jours de 08h30 à 20h00.


COASTER : Arrêt Congo Pharmacie

TAXI : En face de la marie centrale

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